Tuesday, January 18, 2011

postheadericon Wilderness Expedition Guide 2011

Today, Club Penguin has just released the new Club Penguin party :Wilderness Expedition! It’s an amazing party so far and it takes you to a new room in Club Penguin! We have the complete guide for everyone out there! So are you ready to take the journey? I know I am! Wow i heard the brown puffle exists could it be in this guide? might be you never know.

So, should we get started? I say YES! Head to the Dock and follow the arrow. Here, you will find a free item and a mysterious note!

Keep walking. Now you will enter the Wilderness! How cool is that? xD Don’t worry, you will get out soon! So, how do I get out of here? Pretty simple, just waddle in this order:
  • Walk right.
  • Walk Up.
  • Walk Right.
  • Walk Down.
  • Walk Left.
  • Walk Down
  • And finally, walk Right.
You will now be in the middle of nowhere! Haha… As you can see, there’s a big weird machine that no one knows how it works. Well i found it out. Just click this buttons in the following order:
Tadaa! The barrel will raise and it will work as an elevator! Walk to it and go down. Once you are down, pick up your free lifesaver jacket and build the boat. There are many pieces but it’s pretty easy to build. Here’s how it should look like:
Then you should pick up the lifesaver jacket easyly if you dont wear it you cant cross. This means this is for members only
Once you are done put your jacket on and sail to the Brown Puffle Island! Once the trip is over, waddle to the cave…

HOLLY PUFFLES! You have found a new kind of puffle – a brown puffle! Apparently, he likes math and science… Nice. To adopt this brown puffle, simply click the note located on the top-left of your screen.
YAY! I can’t believe brown Puffles are here! Have you adopted one yet? Mine is named Scruffy How are you going to name yours?  Brown Puffles are new and we don’t know much about them. Only thing i know is that they like machiney. But we can expect more information about this new pufflle this Thursday on the newspaper.
So, what do you think? Are you loving the new puffles? Make sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!