Thursday, February 3, 2011

postheadericon Club Penguin February Penguin Style!

Hey penguins!Don't you love it when new catalogs come out?Well,there's a new catalog.It's about all the puffles even Flare the EPF puffle!It supports every single puffle!Check it out:
Awesome!How cooler can the front of the catalog get?I love the clown who loves his green puffle.No cheats at all in the new catalog.
But wait,there's more!New penguins at work!Now if your at the stage you can serve popcorn!Here's how it looks like!
Not that's cool!But there's even more!
New background for your player card!My favorite is the puffle one with the new brown puffle!Now if your wondering what puffle/color am i wearing for the puffle party is...
ORANGE!I really love the orange puffle!It's awesome and funny just like me!What are you going to wear for the puffle party?~FrankyShow0