Tuesday, March 29, 2011

postheadericon New Glitch

Today i discoverd a new glitch where the Box and the propeller and press D then it should come up with this

postheadericon New Game Bits & Bolts

Today , Club penguin have released a new game on the dance loundge follwoing with its new desgin  they have alos got a new fgame called Bits & Bolts :

It's a cool game this my first ever score on Bits & Bolts

Whats your score? Make sure to drop a comment of your score.

~Lcfc1 Cp~

postheadericon New Dance Lounge

Today , club penguin made a update They updated the dance lounge and now here it is :

And if you notice theres a game right next to the new game bits & bolts but the game is not pluged in take a look of what i mean :

Wow , this is highly intresting hopefully we will get some answeres soon.

~Lcfc1 Cp~
Monday, March 28, 2011

postheadericon EPF Gary Message

Today , while i was waddling around club penguin i notcie i had a new message. This time from Gary

If you cant read it , it says :

All communication systems have returned to normal. Great work everyone!

postheadericon New message from Gary

Today on club penguin while I was checking for updates I saw that there was a new message! If you go on club penguin and check out the EPF phone you will see that it says:Finally, now Protobot wont be able to fight with Herbert! Are you happy that they cant fight anymore. Leave a comment and let me know.
Sunday, March 27, 2011

postheadericon Where is the April Fools Party on the Play Now screen?

Hey! Today when I was logging onto club penguin I noticed that they haven't put the April Fools Party on the Play Now screen! Here is a picture:I hope club penguin puts the April Fools Party on the Play Now screen. Until then see you around on club penguin!

postheadericon New message from Herbert

Hey! Today on club penguin while I was waddling around I noticed my EPF phone ringing! It was a message look:Protobot called Herbert "Polar Bear". Now I think they are going to start fighting. We will see, Until then see you around on club penguin!
Saturday, March 26, 2011

postheadericon New Message From Protobot

Today Club Penguin send us a message. This time is from our enemy the Protobot! Check It Out :

Finaly we have manged to make him retreat for now. But he might come back once again. Make sure to come vist for the next club penguin message

~Lcfc1 Cp~

postheadericon New Login Screen

Hey! Today when I was logging on to club penguin I saw that there was a new login screen! Look:Cool right I really like the party it is awesome and there is a brand new item that came out! Until then see you around on club penguin!

postheadericon Reviewed by You: Helping Your Community

Hello Penguins!

As you may remember, last week we asked what arcade game you would invent if you could. The team was really impressed by all your great suggestions! Here's a really unique one from A L I C E C:

My dream arcade game would be called Food Shot. You would take your orange puffle with you to this game. The puffle would sit in the middle of a circle, surrounded by different foods. The puffle would shoot foods (wherever you guided it) onto the edge of the circle, making matches of three or more, until the level is clear. There would be second chances if you didn't clear the level.
Excellent creative idea, A L I C E C! Now on to this week's Reviewed by You...

Ever since the recent disasters in places like New Zealand and Japan, a lot of you have asked how you can get involved to help. There are many ways to help others in need, and giving money is only one of them. You can also give your time to help, too! So this week, we want to hear about a time that you and a friend worked together to help your community!

Write your review as a short comment (50-75 words, please!) We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed By You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins!

Until then... Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team
Friday, March 25, 2011

postheadericon New Safe Chat words for April Fools Party!

Hey! Today while I was searching the Safe Chat words I noticed that they have updated it. There is now an April Fools Section! Take a look:As you can see Rookie will be waddling around the island! Comment below when you meet Rookie!

postheadericon April Fools Silly Scavenge Hunt

Today , April Fools is released and lets kick off with the Silly scavenge hunt
First One :

Second One :

Third One :

Fourth One :

And now the fifth one is hard. You have to waddle around diffent places to get throw that one.

Six One :

And fianlly , The Last One
Thursday, March 24, 2011

postheadericon Free Item

Hey today on club penguin it is the April Fools party and it is awesome! Here is the free purple propeller hat:Throw snowballs at the painting and then you will get the hat. I really like the party. Comment below and tell us if you like the party!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

postheadericon Club Penguin Blog : Club Penguin Thinking About Japan

  Today Billybob posted on the club penguin blog heres what he said :
Hello Penguins! 

A little over a week ago, a major earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, causing massive damage. For those of you affected by this disaster, know that everyone in Club Penguin is thinking of you and your family during this time. 


Since last week, we've received a lot of inspiring comments and great suggestions from you about different disasters around the world. Many of you have asked about ways to help others when tragedies happen. 

Over the next week, we'll be featuring a few blog posts dedicated to helping your community in times of need. And we'd like you to be involved! 

We've already seen a bunch of your pictures, screenshots and videos dedicated to Japan. We'd like to feature some of your pictures on Club Penguin to show our support! Send your images to us here. We'll publish some of them in different places around Club Penguin in the next few weeks. 

Stay tuned for more Global Citizenship posts later this week! 

Until then... Waddle on! 

-Club Penguin Team 
By Billybob on March 23 2011 10:13

postheadericon Brown Puffle Now Available in Puffle Round Up

Today , when i was playing puffle round up i notice an update that club penguin made. They have added the Brown Puffle to the game Puffle Round Up check it out :

Now we can try to catch the Brown puffle now. Have you catched it yet? Make sure to leave a comment and make sure to let us know.

~Lcfc1 Cp~
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

postheadericon April Fools Is On It's Way

Since Club Penguin is having a club penguin party April Fools they have made some updates and sending out a message to all the penguins that Apirl is on it's way!
Check out the updates!

And look this one below could there be a new room

This is highly intresting. We will hopefully get some answeres at The April Fools party of what it might be. i think its a house full of Foolness. What do you thin it is gonna be? Make sure to drop a comment

~Lcfc1 Cp~

postheadericon Club Penguin New EPF Director Message

Today , the Director send us a message! but first it will be on you EPF Phone so click that

Then Click On Messages , Then It Should Come Up As This :

Wow! This is really hard to understand. It must be a code. Can you crack the code? Make Sure To Comment If You Can

postheadericon Club Penguin Commiuty Blog : New Game , New Launch Date

 Today Billybob posted on Club Penguin Commiuty Blog! Heres what he said :

Hello Penguins!
Last week we mentioned that the team is working on a new arcade game for the Lounge. We asked you what your dream arcade game would be, and Fastflier 2 said:

"I think it should be a robot building game."

Guess what, Fastflier 2? That's what the team is working on right now! The new arcade game is called Bits & Bolts, and you'll be able to play it in the renovated Lounge. Here's a sneak peek of one of the robots:

The game was originally going to launch tomorrow, but it's not quite finished yet. The team will not have the game ready until next week. I'll keep you posted as I find out more. Thanks for your patience as we work out all the leftover 'bits'. 

Until then... Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team
Wow! i can't wait for the game. Any ideas of whats is gonna be about? Make sure to leave a comment
Monday, March 21, 2011

postheadericon Club Penguin Message From Gary

Hey penguins! Today I recieved a new EPF Message! This is getting very exciting! The Protobot is bringing us down! Here is what the message from Gary says:

If you cannot read it, it says:
Protobot’s jammin—$#(SG(GG(#SZ(!&#(*RH$AA#S#GTGG&@HPB!$KTC&:*B&B@—-ERROR – SIGNAL LOST.
Wow! It is like the EPF is getting hacked! Protobot is smart!

postheadericon Field Ops #37

Today on club penguin while I was waddling around I noticed that there was a new field-ops. Here are the cheats:I still cant beat this field-ops I couldn't beat the last one either. Oh well, good luck on the new field-ops :D

postheadericon New Login Screen

Hey today while I was posting the club penguin updates I noticed a new log in, screen take a look:The login screen keeps loading jokes because it is almost the April Fools Party! Until then see you around on club penguin.
Sunday, March 20, 2011

postheadericon New Penguin Art

Hey today when I went to the book room I noticed that there was new art! Take a look:These drawing are awesome! My favorite one is the 9th one! Its like a puffle world! What is your favorite one? Comment below.